
Governance of MODNA

Click here to view the MODNA Board of Directors and view their meeting schedule.

Click here to view MODNA's Bylaws

History of MODNA

The Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association was founded in 1925 as the “Ohio State Association of Graduate Nurses” and represented alumni of nine area schools of nursing. The association had office space at the Great Southern Hotel in downtown Columbus. At that time, the Association focused on the collective concerns of all nurses and served as a registry for the purpose of providing Private Duty Nursing to area clients.

Throughout the decades, the Association evolved with the nursing profession. The 1930s brought political activism and community service. The 1940s brought continuing education programs, counseling and placement services. The 1950s brought benefits of membership such as insurance plans, major medical, malpractice liability and retirement savings. The 1960s brought a state structure for the nursing Association in the form of the current Ohio Nurses Association and local affiliate, MODNA.

The 1970s brought issues of institutional licensure, nurse appointments to Board of Health and the empowerment of black nurses. The 1980s focused on the development of nurses as professionals. The Mid-Ohio State Board Review Exam Course was developed, and members mentored new graduates. The 1990s brought greater involvement in both political and practice issues of the nursing profession through member service in elected, appointed or volunteer positions. The 2000s produced the Nursing 2015 collaborative consisting of OONE, OHA and ONA/MODNA. MODNA members serving on the Collaborative were instrumental in getting the staffing bill (HB 346) passed and implemented.

MODNA’s history is rich in service, camaraderie, activism and commitment to nursing as a profession.

Contact MODNA

MODNA's office is temporarily located at 5500 Frantz Rd, Suite 107, Dublin, OH 43017.

Email MODNA at modna@modnurses.org.