
Expert in Nursing Care Award

The Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce the EXPERT IN NURSING CARE AWARD. Created by the Information Task Force that designed the RN Awareness Campaign, this award is to recognize outstanding Registered Nurses. Take time to nominate yourself, a colleague, or a friend who truly makes a difference!


  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Member of the Ohio or Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association and/or specialty nursing organization
  3. Must live, work or volunteer within MODNA boundaries (Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Logan, Madison, Pickaway, and Union Counties)
  4. Must be currently engaged in direct nursing care as an employee or volunteer


Letter of nomination for the award should include:

  1. Name, address, email address, area of nursing practice and location of Nominee
  2. Name, address, and email address of Nominator
  3. Membership(s) in nursing organizations
  4. Identification of how the nominee demonstrates extraordinary nursing care in ordinary settings
  5. Highlight how the nominee is an “unsung hero” bringing heart into her/his practice
    Identification of ways in which the nominee includes the five values of an “expert of nursing care” into her/his practice:
    1. compassion
    2. competence
    3. conscience
    4. confidence
    5. commitment

Deadline is April 1, 2023.

Mail, email or fax nomination letters to:

Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association
1520 Old Henderson Rd, Suite 100
Columbus, Ohio 43220
614-326-1633 (fax)

Presentation of the Award will be at the MODNA Annual Dinner Meeting in May in honor of National Nurses Week.