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Dewey Martin

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  • Idea
The procedure of conception begins simultaneously with the reading of documents, and then continues autonomously. The student must personally reflect on what is read, recall additional information, freely connect different concepts, define connections, formulate hypotheses, etc .: he must give himself to a certain brainstorming, with caution immediately take note, even if in a disordered form, ideas that come to his mind to keep them from slipping away.

If you find it difficult to come up with ideas, you can make a few suggestions:

  • point to an idea similar to the original (for example: "Italian verism is analogous to French naturalism") or opposite ("Petrarch's monolingualism is opposed to Dante's multilingualism");

  • to report facts or phenomena that occurred before or after the event (for example: "in 1833, Carlo Alberto brutally repressed an attempt by the Liberals to revolt; next year there were new attempts to revolt by the Madzins");

  • indicate environments close to similar or similar, or events that took place near what we are talking about (for example: "in the Napoleonic era in France proposed the rise of ancient Rome; in Germany, by contrast, neoclassical artists equate antiquity with the cult of ancient Greece ");

  • explain the meaning of the term, phenomenon, theory, etc., giving its definition (for example: "Restoration: from a historical point of view, this word refers to the period from the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire to the early 1930s");

  • add examples to support the phenomenon, event, concept (for example: among the Italian Renaissance courts the most important are the Gonzaga in Mantua, Estens in Ferrari, the Medici in Florence, the papal in Rome, etc.). ");

  • indicate the general category of which this phenomenon can be an example ("protective relations between Renaissance lords and their respective artists are examples of the phenomenon of patronage"), or, conversely, report possible internal articulations of this phenomenon (for example: "evolution as a stream of thought interested natural (Darwin), philosophical (Conte), political and social (Marx, Spencer) sciences ");

  • compare the event with personal events, external or internal, or with the events of other characters, possibly authoritative;

  • enrich the source information with documentary data, or quotes, anecdotes, proverbs, etc.

To organize the ideas accumulated so far in the mess, it is advisable to ask the student to organize them into graphic forms, edusson, choosing, for example, between:

  • list: a list of elements in a vertical sequence or, better yet, a flowchart: a vertical sequence of arguments, starting with the first, which is the main one, followed by an arrow or a dash, the following arguments, which depend on it;

  • table: information located along the abscissa and ordinate;

  • tree diagram: elements that depend on it or are connected to it, branch off from the main element;

  • concept map: a series of elements arranged in a radial pattern around the core, which is the main element; from the first beam others can depart in gradual steps.

Within these graphic forms, subjects should be arranged according to a criterion that the student must choose based on the considerations he intends to pursue: it can be chronological order, cause-effect, logical conclusion, comparison / contrast, and so on.


  • Supervisor