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Pricing in Big Pharm

By Peggy Berry posted 08-27-2016 08:20 AM


This will be a very short blog, hopefully not a rant. Nurses are movers and changers, not only in the field of nursing, but for nonprofits, like the American Red Cross. As District 10 leads off off this year, they are supporting the Alzheimers' Community. We nurses do great things!

 However, as nurses do great things, corporations based on greed do not. When an Epi-pen price skyrocketed, all of us should use our communication skills and tools protesting inflated pricing of very necessary drugs by socially irresponsible, greedy corporations or individuals. Each time a corporate entity or person create a health impact to the American people, all health professionals should stand together and fight with all our numbers with letters to our government officials, letters to the editors of all newspapers, and use our social media savvy to fight against those soulless corporations that affect the health y of our nation. Money is not the root of all evil, "love of money" is the root of all evil. I urge all of you to be active politically and join voices to stop abuses such as price inflation of necessary drugs, health harming pollution of our air and water, and, lastly, corporate mistreatment of nurses and nurse whistleblowers. Nurses are the most trusted professional in American because we put our patients' needs in front of politics, money, and our own safety. We need to keep visible the abuses by big pharm and the corporate take over of healthcare for profit.

